Saturday, March 14, 2009

Church Publicity Statement

For anyone wishing to know the church's policy about current publicity issues, please view their official statement at If you would like more information , please contact Emily Gibb. Thanks.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Red Wheat

I have four 33lb cases of Hard Red Wheat (6 No.10 cans in each) that we do not need (we already have a lot of Red Wheat and I'd like to purchase some other neccessities now instead). Ken picked them up for us back in September so they are still quite new and were bought before the price increase. The price per case was $18.30 so if anyone needs some food storage wheat and wants to save themselves some time and gas money to the cannery they can just buy these off of us! Anyone interested can call me at 314-272-4299. Thanks!